Thoughts on Makeup (and Why I Don’t Wear It)

*Everything here is purely my opinion about makeup for ME and MY BODY! Kind of like tattoos, makeup is cool and looks good on others but its just not my thing at this point in my life. Why I Don’t Wear Makeup Honestly, I’ve never even thought about wearing makeup until I got to college …

Thoughts About My Run In With A Secret Society

For those of you that may not know much about the University of Virginia, the only thing you need to know as background information for this story is that UVA has secret societies. Some are super super secret with their members only being revealed after death, like the 7 Society, while others are semi-secret where …

Thoughts on Never Having Been in a Relationship

Hello, it is your fellow 22 year old and I would like to talk about my perpetual singleness. Did I expect to have spent my whole life up to this point (and every point in the foreseeable future) being single? Not at all but it is what it is and everything happens for a reason. …

Thoughts on Favorite Pieces of Architecture that I’ve Been to in Person

I’ve been working on this for awhile just because it is a long post. I feel like now is a good time to finish it up with the news of Japan’s Shuri Castle burning down. It is sad because I realize that that is yet another magnificent architectural wonder that I will never get the …

Thoughts about my First Ever Blood Draw

I haven’t made a post in quite awhile because I honestly have been so so so busy with grad schools applications, work, and life in general. I figure it doesn’t matter too much because I don’t really know if anyone reads these anyway and because is also just for me to dump my thoughts. Time …

Thoughts on Living with IBS

WARNING: This one is going to get personal and is quite long without any pictures (because pictures would be gross). IBS means Irritable Bowel Syndrome so you can probably guess what some content will be about. DISCLAIMER: This is all based off of my knowledge from my own personal experiences and years of my own …

Thoughts on Hurricane Dorian

So I live in South Florida. Jupiter specifically. Dorian was supposed to hit us and somehow by the grace of God, that did not happen. The Bahamas were not so lucky. Why is Dorian so unique? This was the second strongest storm ever recorded in the Atlantic. This was the strongest storm to ever make …

Thoughts About When You Find Out That Your Best Friend Has Cancer

*I got permission from my best friend saying that I could write about her in this so we are all good there. Go to the bottom of this post to follow her social media accounts about her cancer story! This is going to be a long one but who knows, maybe it will comfort someone …

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